Elite Placements: Music Library Licensing Guide

Are you ready to dive into a billion dollar industry that needs your music? Want to get your music into movies, videos games and TV shows? Do you want to build a real income from what you love most, your music?

Over 6 months of research is in one guide full of music libraries that are looking from all types of music.

It would take you hours to find the over 100 companies I have compiled for you. Now all you have to do is take action and go get your piece of this billion dollar pie.

How to get TV, movie & Video Game placement

1. Getting Your Songs Placed In TV and Films And Getting Paid

·      How much you can get paid $300-$3,000

·      Performing Rights Organizations (A.S.C.A.P. & B.M.I. WHY YOU NEED THEM)

·      Who PLACES YOUR MUSIC? Music supervisors & making relationship.

·      Do it on your own or use publishers.

2. What type of music gets placed?

·      Songs about emotions

·      Use emotions in the your titles of your beats

·      Hip Hop, EDM High energy and even sound effects.

·      Production quality matters